Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Best Classroom Lighting System Starts with LED

Whether you are a grade school or college campus, the lighting in your buildings (and out) can make a serious effect on your students along with staff.

The effects of a low quality and bad lighting system (technologies like fluorescent, HPS, metal halide), can vary from high energy usage to lower concentration (which will reduce overall grade scores school-wide). These issues, as you can probably already imagine; have no place for a learning environment. This is exactly why an LED lighting system in schools in an absolute must if we want to achieve better efficiency in both energy usage as well as our students ability to learn.

Here are some of the main benefits that LED school lights will bring to your buildings by converting away from those other, lesser quality technologies:

  • Reduce your energy consumption by 30% (or more)
  • Receive rebates for lower a initial investment
  • Indirectly improve concentration and attention
  • Save more by retrofittings
  • Lower maintenance costs through longer lifespans

Listing things above make the technology of LED seem like near the only lighting technology that you should install into your educational facilities. Although it may be one of those “too good to be true” type facts, it is all true. You can reduce costs related to your lighting system, all while improving your students learning environment.

One thing before we start going each thing a little more in-depth, realizing that while LED’s initial investment is a bit higher than other lighting system; you need to remember the keyword investment. Investing in LED, while it will cost a bit more initially, they will surely pay you back and then some. And will all these rebates and ever decreasing costs in the technology, LEDs are slowly producing even more and more higher ROIs.

Finally, let’s start off with the first one on the list, how LEDs will reduce energy consumption associated with your classroom and school lights...

Reduce your energy consumption by 30% (or more). The most common technology found within educational buildings will be fluorescent tubes. By converting to LED from fluorescent you will be able to realize a 30% reduction in energy consumption. For other lights that use metal halide or HPS technology (often found in gyms and outdoors in parking lots), you may realize up to a 75% reduction, which is some serious savings in energy usage.

This in and of itself is the major reason why businesses and schools are converting over to this technology. By using less energy by 30 to 75 percent, you will be able to realize a return on your investment within a few years, depending on how long each light fixture is on throughout the days.

Receive rebates for lower a initial investment. Receiving rebates on your investment will allow you to get money “off” on your lighting system. The only way to do this is by buying EnergyStar and / or DesignLights Consortium fixtures that have been qualified. This will bring opportunities available to you through your utility company called rebates, which will greatly reduce the costs related to initial investments of your lighting system upgrade.

Indirectly improve concentration and attention. If you’ve ever been around a flickering or buzzing light for even a few minutes, you know it can be extremely annoying.

By having flickering or buzzing lights in your building, your students will be dealing with this issue every single day that they are in school. Imagine what this is doing to your students and their grades?

Fluorescent, metal halide, HPS, and other similar technologies; they are all susceptible to flickering and buzzing. With LED, you will never experience this annoyance. In fact, not even near the end of an LEDs life span will they flicker or buzz. Don’t allow your students grades suffer from a bad lighting system!

Save more by retrofittings. Think about it, does it make more sense to replace an entirely fine light fixture? No it doesn’t, this is why retrofitting is highly popular. You can replace the light source within a perfectly fine light fixture, instead of paying to replace the entire fixture.

This is beneficial in two ways; a retrofit kit is cheaper than an entirely new fixture for starters. Secondly, it is cheaper to retrofit an existing fixture than it is to pay someone to fully replace one.

Thus, if you don’t need to fully replace a fixture; retrofitting will be a cheaper option overall.

Lower maintenance costs through longer lifespans. If you could pay your maintenance team 2-3 times less often to switch out burnt out bulbs, how much money would you save?

Well, you would reduce your maintenance costs associated with your lighting maintenance by 2-3 times, which for schools with a lot of lights (50+), this can prove to bring some major savings.

Since LEDs (on average) last 2-3 times longer, you can easily reduce maintenance costs by 2-3 times through their longer lifespans.


There are just a few of the main reasons that a LED lighting system in an educational environment makes perfect sense. From lower costs to operate and maintain to overall better lighting for learning.

Just remember that the initial investment cost will be a bit more, but the ROI is there and will easily pay itself back, and then some, within a few years.


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