All across the world company’s, governments, and even sports teams are making the switch to more energy conscious lighting that reduces energy usage and in return; reduces operating costs. For this reason alone is one of the biggest reasons seemingly everyone is converting over to LED products over competing technologies like metal halide (MH).
But, is that the only reason why? There must be other reasons people are making the switch, right? The answer to that is yes! There are many highly valid reasons companies and teams are making the conversion over to LED technology away from less efficient and generally lower quality luminaire sources.
Here are the following main reasons that sport stadiums specifically are moving over to LED sport lighting fixtures.
Reduces operating costs.
This is probably the majorities reason to making the switch to LED from other lighting sources. Depending on whom you buy your LED fixtures from and which technology you are converting away from, you could realize energy costs related to your lighting by up to 75%. Imagine a 75% reduction in lighting costs in your sports arena or stadium, your bottom line would look so much better. Especially when it comes to the profession sports industry where lighting it in the utmost importance for quality viewing, a lot of light fixtures are needed. With all of these running, a switch to LED in all of those fixtures will prove to be a great investment and highly reduce those costs associated with physically running those high mast and other lights you have in your area.
They last a lot longer.
LED lights are known, especially when bought by a reputable and qualified company, to last 2, 3 or sometimes even 4 times longer than luminaires like metal halide or HPS.
This can allow you to stop buying lighting as often, and cut down light purchases by 2,3 or 4 times. On top of that cost saving benefit, consider your maintenance costs that you encounter when you need to switch out a light source. How much does it cost, on average, to pay someone to switch out a single light? And if you have high mast lights, which most stadiums do, you will be paying a lot more than other types of light fixtures. Why is this? Because they are typically VERY high in the air to get the full benefit of the fixture. This makes it take longer to switch out each individual bulb and thus, higher costs to maintain. Do yourself and your sports facility a favor and make the switch to LED and you can reduce the amount of times you need to pay someone to maintain your lights by 2-4 times!
LED is the future, not metal halide.
Over the years LED has done nothing but grow in market size, improve in quality and efficiency, and become adopted by more and more people, companies, and government entities. LED market size has been estimated to continue it’s growth for many years. And with more and more company’s entering this market, especially selling commercial lighting products, the prices continue to drop and become a more affordable investment for facility managers (or stadium managers in this case) to make.
LED will improve your stadiums appearance.
A good appeal to both visitors to the stadium along with anyone watching from home is vital for keeping people’s attention along with creating a near-perfect lighting situation for those who are watching the game play out. Low quality lighting will put visitors off and even worse, annoy them. While LED lights will never buzz or flicker, that doesn’t mean that metal halide or HPS lights don’t. They are susceptible to this, and having this in your stadium can really annoy visitors, and even start to distract from the players. As with any business, curb appeal is vital to keeping your business alive; especially in this environment in which you have lots of visitors relying on having an exception experience.
From energy savings to improved appearance, you can see the major reasons on why LED is becoming the norm in the lighting industry and is the future of lighting in almost every application.
LED is the future of facilities of all types, including sport stadiums, arenas, and areas. Are you going to be apart of it? With knowing all of these reasons on why sport stadiums are converting to LED, it just makes sense!
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